How to Approve a Timesheet

Modified on Tue, 26 Mar 2019 at 06:27 PM

Depending on your company setup, your temporary workers may have their own ManageRight login to enter timesheets, or they may be using a timeclock to punch in and out. The approval guide below applies to workers who log into ManageRight directly to enter timesheets.

Workers use the same ManageRight website as client and suppliers users, but they will have their own username and password.

You will receive an email notification from Manage Right when a timesheet is pending your approval. Click on the link in the email to go directly to the timesheet. 

When you view a timesheet page, you will see the Summary tab including total hours and amounts. You can view additional timesheet details (such as the actual times IN/OUT entered by the worker, or expenses) by selecting any of the Details tabs.

Select Approve or Reject and then Save. Rejecting a timesheet will send a notification to the worker, and put the timesheet back in Draft/Unsubmitted status.

Most companies require timesheets to be submitted weekly, usually on Monday before 9:00 am local time. Timesheets must usually be approved the same day by noon local time. Your company payroll week may vary, but standard payroll weeks are Monday to Sunday, or Sunday to Saturday.

If you will be out of the office, you can still approve timesheets remotely, or ask DWS to assign the timesheet to another approver. You can also assign your own proxy/backup approver. The email notifications and approval process below can be accessed from a smart phone.

If your worker is approved to submit expenses (meals, mileage etc.), please let DWS or your program manager know to turn on that setting (the default setting does not allow expenses). Workers can submit expenses and receipts in the same timesheet, and they can be approved at the same time. Your worker can submit receipts and attach them directly in the timesheet for you to review.

In addition to approving from the email link, you can also access a timesheet list by logging in directly to Manage Right and viewing pending items from My Inbox on your Home page. This view will give you a list of timesheets and the ability to do a bulk approval.

You can also view timesheets by status by selecting Financials and then Timesheets from the main menu.

The timesheet style for your company may vary, but workers are typically required to enter a start time, a stop time, and then the amount of time for an unpaid break (for example: 30 minutes for lunch). They may also have the option to select a cost code, or multiple cost codes if their cost is shared by multiple departments or projects.

Workers are not usually required to specify which hours are regular time and which are overtime. Instead, as they enter start/stop and break times, ManageRight automatically calculates the corrective overtime based on the rules in that state.

Most temporary workers are non-exempt, which means that certain meal and break rules apply, and overtime is earned depending on how many hours worked. If you have any questions about overtime or meal period rules, contact your HR department.

If you are not the correct approver assigned to a particular worker, please email your program manager or

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